The recaudation total gross of the General Tax Directorate (DGI) it reached $45,752 million in June, and had a real year-on-year growth of 7.4%, as reported by the agency on Wednesday. For its part, net collection, that is, discounting the tax refund, reached $37,766 million with a real year-on-year increase of 3.2%.
The difference between the gross and net collection corresponds to the tax refund, which can be made through payments made with credit certificates issued by DGI or by cash/bank refunds.
Consumption taxes
iconsumption taxes they were the main source of income for the State Treasury and totaled $25,505 million with an increase of 6.2%
The VAT collected totaled $21,770 million and represented 47.6% of the total gross collection with a real variation of 9.4% year-on-year.
Meanwhile, the collection of imesi it reached $3,735 million and represented 8.2% of the total gross collection, with a year-on-year decrease of 9.3%.
Income Taxes
The collection of the Tax on Income from Economic Activities (IRAE) it reached $6,191 million and had a real year-on-year increase of 4.1%.
Finally, the collection of the Income Tax of Physical Persons (IRPF) reached $7,489 million, and increased 11.1% in real terms.
Income tax collection category II (paid by workers) increased 7.6%, while category I (to capital) increased 29.6% in the year-on-year comparison.