It is an initiative of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)within the framework of Interagency Coordination Platform for Refugees Y Migrants from Venezuela (Platform R4V), which promotes messages about the importance of diversity and inclusion towards refugees and migrants in the country and which arises from two questions: what unites us? And what is it that makes us look more human?
During the last five years, Latin America and the Caribbean has been the scene of unprecedented human displacement, made up mainly of Venezuelans who left their country as a result of the political and socioeconomic situation to settle in others in the region. According to information provided by the National Institute of Statistics (INE) and the National Migration Service (formerly DEM), until December 2020, more than 448 thousand Venezuelans resided in Chile[1] [2]. In turn, according to the population estimates of R4V, Chile is the fourth host country at the regional level.[3].
Faced with this scenario, human mobility presents a great opportunity for the development of countries, but also a challenge for society as a whole, since it puts the social fabric of the receiving communities to the test. In this sense, during the last year there has been an increase in the manifestations of xenophobia and episodes of violence towards refugees and migrants in the country, which, on occasions, can be enhanced by misinformation, the circulation of biased speeches or fake news. Likewise, the lack of timely and data-based information on the different issues related to human mobility indicates a wake-up call to attend to.
The International Organization for Migration (IOM) and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), within the framework of the R4V Platform, have the task of working to create spaces for the prevention of xenophobia and discrimination, as well as promoting dialogue and intercultural recognition.
Under the name Somos Encuentro, this digital campaign seeks to rescue and highlight stories of inclusion, cultural exchange and community dialogue that foster bonds of empathy and solidarity between people, in addition to promoting actions in line with non-discrimination.
Richard VelazquezChief of Mission of IOM Chile indicated that “This communication effort seeks to promote clear messages about the importance of tolerance and respect for diversity to achieve stronger communities and, on the other hand, deliver accurate information and data on migrations in order to demystify certain perceptions that society has about them. ”.
Rebecca CenalmorHead of the UNHCR National Office in Chile, for her part, pointed out that “We understand that communications and social networks have an ethical responsibility to make visible the great challenges that people of various nationalities face when arriving in Chile, but also to contribute to breaking stereotypes, stigmatization, restricting fake news. , reducing the discriminatory attitudes that these people often suffer and promoting the correct disclosure of information; and this is precisely what this joint project seeks to promote”.
The initiative seeks to show real stories, under key concepts such as diversity, inclusion and community, hoping to generate an encounter and create a commitment around non-discrimination towards refugees and migrants, raising awareness about the need to stop stereotypes and acts of violence.
Likewise, emphasis will be placed on addressing the experiences or situations experienced by different people; Chileans, refugees or migrants in our country, giving space to reflect on the points we have in common and highlighting that differences are also a symbol of unity.
Those who want to join the campaign, learn about and share the stories, can go to, where everyone has a place. This platform seeks to make real testimonies visible and generate a meeting space for different experiences, in order to create bonds of solidarity and empathy.