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Senate approves bill that facilitates location of bone marrow donors

The Senate plenary approved today (15) a bill that facilitates the location of registered donors in the National Registry of Bone Marrow Donors (Redome). The project intends to make it possible for registry managers and blood centers to request contact details of donors and relatives from public bodies. The project goes to presidential sanction.Senate approves bill that facilitates location of bone marrow donors

The proposal amends Law 11,930/09 to establish that actions, activities and advertising campaigns must involve public agencies and private entities. The objective is to inform and advise on procedures for registering donors and the importance of bone marrow donation to save lives.

An amendment to the project determined that the deadline for compliance with all information is three days, a deadline that will be counted from the date of receipt of the request. In case of non-compliance, there will be a daily fine of 1 to 100 minimum wages per day of delay, in addition to administrative, civil and criminal penalties.

The authority responsible for applying the fine will still be defined in regulation. The resources resulting from these possible fines will be divided equally between the National Cancer Institute José Alencar Gomes da Silva (Inca) and the Ministry of Health.

Still according to the project, in the absence of a fully compatible donor and if other possible donors die, the blood centers or Redome managers will be able to contact the brothers or sisters of the deceased donors to verify if they are interested in registering as bone marrow donors, enabling their names and registration data to be obtained by request.

* With information from the Senate Agency

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