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Senate approves bill that changes area of ​​Brasilia’s National Forest

The Senate approved today (10) a Bill (PL) PL 2,776/2020, which reduces the area of ​​the Brasília National Forest (Flona), in the Federal District, for the purpose of urban regularization of two settlements. The project also expands the limits of another part of the forest, in return for the approximately 4,000 hectares lost. The project goes to presidential sanction.Senate approves bill that changes area of ​​Brasilia's National Forest

According to the project, areas 2 and 3 are no longer part of the Flona. In Area 2, with 996.47 hectares, there is the 26 de Setembro settlement; and in Area 3, covering 3,071 hectares, is the Maranatha settlement. Flona is located close to the administrative regions of Taguatinga and Vicente Pires.

According to the project, the boundary of Area 4 will cover approximately 1,887 hectares, according to the described polygonal. The project also provides for the future definition of the area for purposes of compensation to the Flona de Brasília, considering the environmental, social and economic feasibility.

On the other hand, area 1 of the National Forest will be expanded to also cover the Watershed Protection Area (APM) of the Currais and Pedras Streams, comprising a total of 3,700 hectares. Area 1 of the Flona de Brasília is the most preserved portion and is where the public visitation trails and the physical infrastructure of the Flona de Brasília are located.

“Despite the need to create this conservation unit for the preservation of springs in the Federal District, it is undeniable and known the fact that this specially protected space was established in inhabited areas, without the transfer of these families ever taking place,” he said. the project’s rapporteur in the Senate, Izalci Lucas (PSDB-DF).

This project originated in the Chamber of Deputies, but there is another, PL 4.379/2020, originating in the Senate, which provides compensation for the territorial losses of Flona. In this project, authored by Senator Izalci himself, the unoccupied portion of Area 3, 2,300 hectares, will be incorporated into the Environmental Protection Area (APA) of the Descoberto River basin. Izalci defended the approval of his project, which has already passed the Senate and is being processed in the Chamber.

“The modification recommended in it is the same as that proposed in our PL 4,379, of 2020, approved in this House and sent to the Chamber of Deputies. It is about the environmental compensation necessary for the suppression of Areas 2 and 3 of the bill now analyzed, through the addition of the limits of the Contagem National Park”, said the senator.

*With information from Agência Senado.

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