Rosengella Barbaran was elected this Thursday, August 18, to chair the Economy Commission of the Congress of the Republic for the period 2022-2023.
The parliamentarian from Fuerza Popular will be accompanied at the work table by Guido Bellido, from Peru Libre, as vice president and Ilich López, from Acción Popular, as secretary.
The group led by Barbarán was approved unanimously, with 22 votes in favor.
LOOK: Congress: Fuerza Popular elects spokespersons and presidents of commissions for the period 2022-2023
After declaring the commission installed, the congresswoman maintained that the challenge they assume is great due to the rise in food prices, inflation, among other factors that affect the national economy.
“I reiterate the invocation so that in this commission we can reach a consensus and demonstrate our commitment to the country,” said Barbara Reyes.
Likewise, he indicated that they will begin their activities with an invitation to the Minister of Economy, Kurt Burneo, so that he exposes the economic policy that the government is working on in the short term.
Finally, the working group agreed that its ordinary sessions will be held on Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m. in a semi-presential manner, with the charge that they be held in person when the subject requires it.