The blood donation movement “roll up your sleeves for life” reached the National Sports Secretariat, seeking to raise awareness and encourage people to give drops of life to those who need it.
The Minister of Sports, Diego Galeano Harrison, accompanied by Tirika and rowing medalist Javier Insfran, were present to donate blood, highlighting the importance and nobility of carrying out this act to save Paraguayan lives.
“It is important to take advantage of the fact that today we are in the national and international showcase so that we can make people aware of this really important issue, donating blood saves lives and today we all have to be committed and hopefully these games will help this cause”, Diego Galeano .
The Director of Remangate for Life, Walter Biedermann, thanked the authorities of Asunción 2022 for the great reception and stressed that these games will be an important boost to achieve the goal of annual donations.
“Blood donation is very important, we need 15,000 liters of blood a year and we are very happy that Asu joined this important cause”, Walter Biedermann.
People interested in donating life can go to the Fan Fest of the National Sports Secretariat.