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April 13, 2022
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Rocha will propose the figure of revocation of the mandate for governor in Sinaloa

Rocha will propose the figure of revocation of the mandate for governor in Sinaloa

  • He announced that next week this initiative will be developed to reform the Constitution.

Culiacán, Sinaloa, April 12, 2022.- During his Weekly Conference, Governor Rubén Rocha Moya announced that he will send to the State Congress an initiative to reform the law to include in the local Constitution the figure of Revocation of Mandate for the governor of the state, which will be presented to the citizens in the middle of the six-year term, so that they can decide whether to continue in office or resign due to loss of confidence.

This is to be in tune with the exercise to which President Andrés Manuel López Obrador underwent this Sunday, when the first referendum to revoke the mandate was held throughout the country, which yielded an approving result for the President of the Nation with more than 91 percent in favor at the national level, while here in Sinaloa the percentage was 95 percent.

“I take this opportunity to congratulate the president widely, to express my happiness for the fact that he has been endorsed to continue until 2024, I do so because this is already an institutional resolution of the INE with all its reservations, but institutionally it has already declared that in In effect, the president had more than 90, 91 percent of support compared to 6 percent who voted against, which speaks of a wide, very wide support of those who came or went to cast our vote that day and controversies apart, what has been established, on Sunday is not anything, it is stated in the Constitution that it is already written and there is a secondary law for the case, that in Mexico the revocation of the mandate will take place, “he said.

Regarding his proposal to establish this same exercise for the governor of Sinaloa, he said that he has already instructed the Secretary General of the Government, Enrique Inzunza Cázarez, who accompanied him in his Semanera, so that next week he begins with the elaboration of the initiative, in order to send it to the State Congress for the assessment and eventual approval of the deputies of the LXIV Legislature.

Said reform will contemplate that the governor submits to a consultation to revoke his mandate halfway through his term, that is, after three years, and if approved by Congress, the first consultation will be held in 2024, although unlike what that occurred with the consultation for the president, the initiative will establish that the vote be held on the same day of the intermediate electoral day to elect municipal presidents and deputies, with the aim of not generating an additional cost to organize the consultation on another date , as happened last Sunday.

“In the understanding that our proposal is that the revocation of the mandate for the governor be consulted, be done on the same day of the intermediate election, on the 24th when municipal presidents, deputies are going to be elected for the next period or for the respective period there is also consulted if Governor Rocha continues or should decline because the people no longer support him or continues because the people do support him, “he said.

In this way, the people of Sinaloa will have the possibility of expressing their opinion when a ruler is not serving them and does not necessarily have to complete his six-year term for what he was elected, which he considered will be a benefit of participatory democracy.

“I am going to submit to the trial of the men and women of Sinaloa on the 24th, after three years of my exercise so that they tell me if I continue or conclude. I think that it is just with those words, very important expressions of democracy because that is called direct democracy or participatory democracy”, he said.

Regarding the result of the consultation held on Sunday, Governor Rocha highlighted the words of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, who during his morning conference acknowledged that Sinaloa was one of the states in the north of the country with the highest number of votes, with 429,000 citizens who went to the polls, of which 95 percent asked that the president remain in office until 2024.

Official Information is a service of El Economista to contribute to the dissemination of information and communications from governments, municipalities and relevant public actors for citizens.

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