After the deputies of the parties of the Dominican Liberation (PLD) and Fuerza del Pueblo pointed out what in their opinion are some inconsistencies in the bill that introduces special measures applicable to public infrastructure projects and public-private partnerships and modifies Law 47-20, it was approved to send it back to commission.
Congressmen Tobías Crespo and Luis Henríquez agreed that the project should return to the Permanent Commission of the Treasury to make the corrections, because in their opinion as it currently stands it violates the Constitution and takes away design, construction and maintenance powers from other institutions of the Condition.
The project, deposited by the Executive Power and approved in the Senate, seeks to modify Law 47-20 so that the National Council of Public-Private Partnerships (CNAPP) can declare special processes.
According to what this law establishes, in the different states of emergency, pandemic, catastrophe or emergency situations caused by natural events or force majeure, they can be carried out through resolutions that declare an opening of special processes regarding the evaluation and financing of public infrastructure projects and public-private partnership.
The PLD deputy, Luis Henríquez said: “Here what we have is a cut to a law that has not been implemented in time to see its fruits and what we are doing is making a tailor-made suit to simplify processes, to violate the Purchasing and Contracting Law and its fundamental aspects”.
On his side, the deputy of the People’s Force Tobías Crespo said that the recently enacted Law has underlying problems.
He indicated that the modification that he wants to make contains terms in English, which is not correct because the language of the country is Spanish.
“In the definitions, even the terminologies came in English, they did not give them the time to remove those words and according to the Legislative Drafting and Technical Manual, the terms in English should be removed,” he said.