The current president of the PIT-CNT crashed drunk this Friday afternoon against two vehicles parked on the Punta Carretas boulevard, and their spirometry it was positivewith 1.53 grams of alcohol in blood.
“He (for Abdala) has already said everything. He made a mistake, he admits it. I know him very well; he is my friend and partner (and) I know he is not a drinker,” Pereira assured. The president of the FA indicated that the comments that reflect Abdala’s behavior as a “daily practice” are not “real“. He added that mistakes “must be admitted” and that now it will be the trade union organization itself that will have to decide what steps to take in the future and “not someone from outside.”
In Pereira’s opinion, continuing to inquire about the actions of the president of the PIT-CNT, when he has already accepted the error, “is simply wanting to hit him on the ground.” consulted by the criticism from leaders of the ruling party about the Abdala incident, justifying their actions due to personal problemsthe leader of the left said that “there is no justification. He made a mistake. Look, if you start to see, several made the same mistake. Now the media are more present but the newspapers have been out all their lives. Many of those who punish I don’t know if they have that authority,” he said.
For the president of the FA, it is clear that “as a society we all assume” that one should not drive drunk or break speed limits in traffic. After the crash, Abdala posted a tweet on Friday night where he apologized and assumed his mistake.