This Monday, the Minister of Health, Carla Vizzotti and the President Alberto Fernandezpresented from the Laura Bonaparte National Hospital in Parque Patricios, the National Mental Health Strategy.
During his presentation, the head of state assured that said strategy will have “a perspective of rights, free of violence and with respect for diversity,” according to Alberto Fernandez.
Besides, Alberto Fernandez stated that they will “To strengthen mental health care in all jurisdictions, we will double the current budget with an extraordinary fund of 4 billion pesos”.
The president also stated that it will be a priority for his government to adequately manage mental health and establish public policies that contribute to it.
“For many years it was a taboo subject and it can no longer be so. We need a useful and effective policy, with sensitivity and commitment to the other,” said the president. This, given that “concern about suicides is growing in the world and young people are the most affected”, compared to what the leader assured “we cannot turn a deaf ear”.
Under this line, the president pointed out that they work in “an integral recovery of society in all dimensions, also emotional and psychological”, committed to the “full implementation of the Mental Health Law”. This law will have as a priority, “articulate a series of policies within the framework of the national health system” so that all citizens of the country, regardless of their condition, can access it.
Alberto Fernández committed to taking actions for mental health
Within the strategy announced by Presidentit includes “the expansion of the care network system by telemedicine in order to guarantee the carrying out of professional interconsultations in the approach of complex cases”.
In addition, the Government promised to create a free 0800 line 24 hours a day, to provide permanent assistance to citizens, especially in cases of emergency.