The activist Yuleny Aranguren was arrested on Friday, August 9 of this year by a commission of officials from the National Police in the state of Apure. This December 21, she was released from prison with precautionary measures, according to Una Ventana a la Libertad.
The NGO Una Ventana a la Libertad reported that, according to information released by judicial sources, Yuleny Aranguren, coordinator of María Corina Machado and Edmundo González’s Women’s Volunteering in the Biruaca municipality of Apure state, was released this Saturday, December 21.
The activist was arrested on Friday, August 9 of this year by a commission of National Police officials in the state of Apure. She was later transferred to the “La Crisálida” Penitentiary Center, known as the INOF located in Los Teques, Miranda state and was currently released with precautionary measures. indicates the organization on its website.
*Read also: Committee for the freedom of political prisoners reports 60 releases in two days
The information was confirmed by sources in judicial matters, who stated that Aranguren served as a representative of the regional leadership of the Vente Venezuela party in the state of Apure during the presidential elections on July 28 of this year.
Aranguren completed 30 years of service in the nursing area in the state of Apure and has worked in the field, in a production unit in Bajo Apure.
Until December 16, Foro Penal counted some 1,877 political prisoners, however, in recent days the authorities have allowed some releases. The number of detainees increased after the repression of the protests on July 29, which were in rejection of the results issued by the National Electoral Council.