The president of the Broad Front (FA), Ferdinand Pereiraconfirmed that they agreed to a debate on the 135 articles of the Law of Urgent Consideration (LUC) that are intended to be repealed, with the president of the nationalist directory, Pablo Iturralde. The statements, on Monday night, occurred after the white leader I denied it in the last hours.
“A debate that was discussed was with Iturralde, who now denies (…) He told me that he was willing, that he let this week go by and the next week we would discuss the conditions and the place where we were going to do it,” said the former president of the PIT- CNT at a press conference.
He also argued that the National Party (PN) “has to define” about the exchanges; “That they respond to the citizens if they want to debate or not. Who built the law was the PN, and particularly (Luis) Lacalle Pou. That these parties debate is the most substantial”, he explained..
On the other hand, he explained that he will not exchange about the articles of the LUC with the minister Paul Mieres because he does not “believe” that the minister “has made a law of such poor quality”, but that it was other actors. “I respect Mieres a lot personally, politically and professionally. But I don’t think he has made a law of such poor quality as this,” he insisted..
In addition, the Frente Amplio leader criticized that the ruling party does not debate with experts or with social organizations “very representative of society.” “They are curtailing the debate and you have to take charge when one curtails the debate (…) It is serious not to debate with experts,” he said..
Pereira recalled that a debate is also planned with the mayor of Rocha and promoter of the No to the repeal of 135 articles, Alejo Umpierrezin that eastern department.