The president of the directory of the National Party (PN), Pablo IturraldeHe reported that in the social security reform document that the President of the Republic, Luis Lacalle Pou, presented this Wednesday to the members of the governing coalition it is contemplated to increase the retirement age of military personnel.
“It is planned. There is a transition regime, in some cases yes and in others no, it depends on the type of work”, said the nationalist leader at a press conference after being asked specifically about this issue.
In turn, he argued that the Armed Forces Retirement and Pension System, known as the Military Fund, “has certain characteristics” that “are going to be contemplated with transition regimes” but that it aspires to constitute “a universal pension system ”.
Regarding the reform in general, the president of the PN board expressed along the same lines as the former president of the Republic and current secretary general of the Colorado Party, Julio María Sanguinettiand said that “there is an ethical imperative of the political system to solve this issue”.
In addition, he indicated that this system that will be proposed “It is much fairer than the current one.”
Iturralde was consulted about the political costs that a reform of this type can generate. “I don’t believe in the diabolical mechanism that by thinking about the next election let’s stop solving the issues that we have to solve“, held.
And he added: “What is here is a commitment to the country. There is no one in the political system and there has not been in the last 20 years who has said that social security should not be reformed”.
According to Iturralde, “when one assumes the responsibility of governing, that comes without the benefit of inventory” so it is necessary “assume that there are things that people will like and others that they won’t”.
“The issue is that pensions do not grow in the middle of the field but are financed with contributions from the people And if we have an age pyramid of people that is growing and that, thank God, we are living longer and longer… how do we finance that? That way you have to finance it somehow”, he expressed.