The OSE workers’ union will carry out a strike on Tuesday, August 30, and a mobilization towards the Ministry of Labor where they will continue negotiations with OSE and the Planning and Budget Office (OPP), demanding the entry of personnel.
According to FFOSE data, the company has less than 3,500 employees and should have 3,800 workers.
The union considers that personnel must enter key operational places, such as: “the water plants or the crews and to improve the working conditions with respect to the guards,” said Federico Kreimerman, of the Federation of OSE Officials.
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He added that “today all of OSE’s operational personnel work on duty. He works much more than 8 hours, seven days a week. It is a somewhat savage regimen that is paid very poorly”.
“An agreement had been reached with the Board of Directors; however, a note from the OPP director, Isaac Alfie, threw everything overboard, he ignores the negotiation and proposes going back to square one,” said Kreimerman.