Economist Daniella Marques Consentino took office this Tuesday (5th) as president of Caixa Econômica Federal. Daniella had already been elected by the state bank’s Eligibility Committee last week. The ceremony took place at the company’s national headquarters, in Brasília, and was attended by President Jair Bolsonaro, the Minister of Economy, Paulo Guedes, the President of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira, and various authorities.
Former Special Secretary for Productivity and Competitiveness at the Ministry of Economy, the economist will replace Pedro Guimarães, who resigned on Wednesday (29), after allegations of sexual harassment are being investigated by the Federal Public Ministry (MPF) and the Public Ministry. of Labor (MPT). He denied the allegations in his resignation letter.
In a press conference, after taking office, the new president of Caixa reinforced her commitment to open a dialogue channel focused on women who work at the company.
“I am opening a dialogue channel with employees today, Dialogo Seguro Caixa. It will be an open dialogue channel exclusively for women, over the next 30 days, where all women – and there are 35,000 who work at Caixa – will be welcomed , heard, protected, so that I understand a little and delve deeper into the evidence that is being presented”, he said.
In addition, the executive highlighted the approval, by the Board of Directors of the bank, of an action plan that involves the review of all integrity policies, prevention of harassment, as well as the risk governance structure, the Ombudsman and Internal Affairs of the Cashier. “It is natural that the processes are reviewed, improved and deepened and that is what we are going to do”.
Daniella Consentino also confirmed that she will exchange all 26 strategic consulting positions that are directly linked to Caixa’s presidency. Of these, six have already left the post, including the chief of staff. In addition to these posts, two vice presidents were also removed in recent days. An external consulting firm will also be hired to act in the investigation of allegations of harassment within the company. Daniella informed that there is still no forecast of when the investigation work will be completed.
credit for women
The new president of Caixa announced that, in addition to internal measures, it should promote a program to combat and prevent harassment and domestic violence and to encourage female entrepreneurship for the 148 million customers of the bank, which is the main operator of social programs. of the federal government, such as Auxílio Brasil.
“We are going to support the women’s cause, we want to be the great promoter this cause, to work hard to protect and promote women. Today, women own 80% of consumer decisions and only 20% of credit, and we want to handle it, with all our network structure, supporting and protecting women in all dimensions”, he observed. Third largest institution financial institution in the country, Caixa is present in more than 5,000 municipalities, with 14,000 branches and around 27,000 physical service stations.
small business
Daniella Consentino stated that she intends to continue developing Caixa’s microcredit platform, with a focus on financing small businesses and micro-entrepreneurs.
“This is a strategic focus of ours, to be close to micro and small entrepreneurs, to individual micro-entrepreneurs. The renewal of the Union’s guarantee funds is now coming, of up to R$ 90 billion in credit, not for micro and small companies, but also for MEIs [microempreendedores individuais]and we intend to do a very strong job of disseminating and operating these funds.”
When questioned, the president of the bank stated that there is no guideline for privatization of Caixa, and that this is not even under discussion at this time. The sale of assets, including the digital banking platform Caixa TEM, is also not on the economist’s radar.
“During this process of ‘bankarization’, of so many people in the payment and operation of the Emergency Aid, a digital bank was developed together, which obviously has a lot of value, but I still need to meet with the bank’s governance, I will respect the rites of governance of the bank to know if it generates value for Caixa or not be disinvesting, but it is not something that is under discussion at this moment. Neither the privatization of Caixa nor the sale of any asset “, he assured.
In government since January 2019, Danielle Consentino was head of the Special Advisory for Strategic Affairs at the Ministry of Economy. One of Minister Paulo Guedes’ main assistants, she took over the Special Secretariat for Productivity and Competitiveness at the beginning of the year.
With a degree in business administration from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ), the new president of Caixa has an MBA in finance from the Brazilian Institute of Capital Markets (Ibmec) and a career in the financial market. She was executive director of Oren Investimentos and director of Risk and Compliance, partner and manager of Variable Income at Mercatto Investimentos. Before entering the government, she was a partner with Minister Guedes at Bozano Investimentos, where she was director of Compliance and Operations and Finance.