At the headquarters of the Andrés Bello Catholic University (UCAB), a meeting was held between the Minister of People’s Power for Higher Education, Ricardo Sánchez, with the rector of that university, Father Dr. Arturo Ernesto Peraza, the rectoral team, deans and university council, to establish an effective collaboration that can contribute to the 18 productive engines of the country.
In this regard, the minister stressed that the rector has shown “a firm commitment to working together to identify key areas where UCAB can contribute its experience and resources.” That is why “we have agreed to begin a cooperation mapping process that will allow us to align our goals and maximize the impact of our joint initiatives.”
The head of Higher Education stressed that “this joint effort will not only strengthen the institutional relationship, but will also promote economic and social development through education and applied research.”
Sánchez indicated that they will continue to strengthen this collaboration and build a “more promising future in the Corridor + Classroom + University methodology.”