Mujica and the president of the Broad Front, Fernando Pereira, were in Cologne this Friday, July 15, as part of the program “The Broad Front Listens to You.”
During the tour, Mujica said in Nueva Helvecia that those who are in the government do not have bad faith. “Like everything, there will be people of good and bad faith. We’re not perfect either.”
“But they are convinced that it is necessary to give preference to the sectors that are accommodated so that they have confidence, invest, and with this they will spread prosperity that will favor the rest of society. It is the spillover theory, taking care of the ‘gold mesh’, and we are always worried about the ‘laggard squad’, and that is why we have differences that cannot mean cultivating hatred, it is a difference in perception in the face of these phenomena” , compared.
Mujica said he doesn’t believe in the spill theory. “Unfortunately, if the governments don’t tighten things up a bit, they don’t increase salaries, they don’t increase pensions, there is no budget for students, for universities. Ultimately, the fight is about how the cake is distributed”.
Retirement, pensions and security
For his part, the president of the FA, Fernando Pereira, said that retirements and pensions fell in all bands, but those that fell the most are the minimum. “What can retirees feel who have to live with 16,000 pesos per month? When people find it difficult to make ends meet because money is not enough, that is their main problem”.
On the other hand, he questioned the Minister of the Interior, Luis Alberto Heber, who presented a program to improve the situation of homicides in Uruguay and as a consequence they increased by 39%. “Clearly they are not providing answers on security.”