The governor of Jujuy and president of the UCR, Gerardo Morales, affirmed this Saturday that the arrival of Sergio Massa to the cabinet means “an opportunity for the country”, and considered that “there is a good expectation on the part of the market” in relation to the new function that the current head of the Chamber of Deputies will fulfill at the head of the unified Ministry of Economy, Productive Development, Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries.
“It is an opportunity for the country, as long as things are put in order. Sergio Massa himself said that he was going to make announcements on Wednesday, I think there is good market expectation,” Morales said in statements to AM750.
The landing of Massa and the unification of three ministries in a single portfolio They were decisions supported by referents of the ruling party and the CGT, who expressed their expectations for the new executive role of the outgoing president of the Chamber of Deputies and praised his management capacity.
For Morales, the dialogue with the Frente de Todos (FdT) “will take place in Congress” and recalled that this area is where Massa “cultivated his greatest ties.”
In another order, the president of Jujuy differed from PRO president Patricia Bullrichconsidering that an advancement of the presidential elections should not be “stirred up”.
“The position of the UCR is to support the institutions and for this the president has to reach the final minute of his mandate. We have to wait, there is an opportunity for the situation to improve,” he pointed out.