Monseñor Fausto Ramón Mejía resalta vocación de servicio debe primar en la política

Monsignor Fausto Ramón Mejía highlights a vocation for service that must prevail in politics

SANTO DOMINGO. – The Dominican Liberation Party formally presented the Values ​​Training Commission in an act held at the Reinaldo Pared Pérez National House, headed by the former President of the Republic and PLD President Danilo Medina; the organization’s secretary general, Charlie Mariotti and the one selected to lead the purple ballot in the 2024 elections, Abel Martínez, as well as a large representation of the Political Committee.

The opening words were in charge of Lidio Cadet, coordinator of the Commission, who offered some brushstrokes of the functions that it will have.

Within the framework of the presentation of the Commission for Training in Values, the conference “The Value of Political Life” was given by Bishop Emeritus Monsignor Fausto Ramón Mejía Vallejo.

Mejía highlighted the vocation of service that must prevail in politics, pointing out that the greatness of any politician lies in his ability to serve others.

“That is why Professor Juan Bosch, one of the most upright ex-presidents, rightly chose the motto of his Party “Serve the Party to Serve the People”.

Observing some values ​​and principles of political life, Mejía said that the Constitution and the laws must be complied with and abided by, as well as the legitimate decisions of the competent authorities.

Likewise, defend the territorial integrity of the country, respect human rights and fight so that no one is violated, promote the common good and the general interest for the particular good.

Likewise, manage public assets well, combat acts of corruption and maintain security and peace above all, preserve the environment and participate in political activity in an honest and transparent manner.

He said that all Christians and men of good will must take an active part in political life, but specifying very well that those called to exercise politics, the first thing they have to do is prepare well to exercise it.

He added that they must do so with moral integrity, prudence and against all injustice and oppression and against the absolutism and intolerance of a single man and a single party.

Development of the activity

For the start of the activity, the entrance to the Hall of the former President of the Republic Danilo Medina, president of the PLD together with the Secretary General, Charles Mariotti, the one selected to lead the presidential ballot, Abel Martínez, his campaign coordinator, Francisco Javier García and a broad representation of the PLD Political Committee.

They entered a room full of leaders of all levels of party leadership, including congressmen, councilors, mayors, and directors of municipal districts.

The Secretary General of the PLD, Lidio Cadet, entered the Assembly Hall escorting Monsignor Fausto Mejía, occupying the space reserved for him next to the stage prepared for his reflections on the Value of Political Life.

Héctor Olivo, master of ceremony, made the formal presentation of the members of the Values ​​Training Commission, which are Mercedes Brito Veras, Garivaldy Sánchez Liriano, Zoraima Cuello and Jaime Antonio Marizán, highlighting their resume and commitment to teaching and dissemination of human values.

It corresponded to Lidio Cadet, in his capacity as coordinator of the Commission for Training in Values, to introduce the act, which he took advantage of to define the purposes of the new body of the PLD, created by the Political Committee, as a mandate of the IX Ordinary Congress José Joaquin Bido Medina.

Quoting the historical leader and founder of the PLD, Professor Juan Bosch, Lidio Cadet recalled his concepts that there is no authentic leadership if it is not permeated by values ​​oriented to the exaltation of the human being and the happiness of society.

“I am convinced that the work of the Commission for Training in Values ​​(CFV) will benefit the exercise of a political activity with the necessary qualification for the construction of a Dominican society more committed to the elevation of the human condition in favor of a better world” said Cadet when enunciating the topics that the team formed and presented in an enthusiastic act will develop.

Lidio Cadet highlighted the importance for the Party of creating the new PLD body inspired by the main values ​​that every human being must possess…

Zoraima Cuello presented in broad strokes the priestly, academic, and professional life of Monsignor Fausto Mejía, highlighting his qualities as a theologian, teacher, philosopher, and writer.

In approximately forty minutes, Monsignor Fausto Peña maintained the expectant scenario, citing the contributions of world leaders and the adherence to healthy human values ​​to conclude that politics is also a value.

At the end, the members of the Commission on Values ​​gave the bishop emeritus a scroll certifying the appreciation of the PLD for the concepts and teachings transmitted in his presentation that he insisted on calling Reflections instead of Conference.

When leaving the spacious hall of the PLD headquarters, a light rain fell on Gascue, which the participants assimilated as a rain of blessings for the PLD and the Dominican people.

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