The representatives of the district of Colón that make up the Municipal Council asked Mayor Alex Lee to attend the meetings held every week, since since January he has not been observed in any of the Council sessions, so he gave it to meet Rogelio Burke, representative of the Sabanitas township.
According to the reports of the Municipal Council, Lee has been absent for more than five months despite the calls made by the representatives for him to attend the sessions.
“In past sessions we had proposed a meeting with the mayor on the issues that are of concern to Colón, so we are going to reiterate the request again to see when we make the links to develop these meetings,” said Burke, noting that the district’s problems are varied because the community needs answers on the issue of garbage, highways, the issue of budgets.
“There are many issues to touch on, there are many points to see and we have definitely remained a bit empty in the face of what is happening in our district,” he specified, and indicated that the issue of the municipality’s own finances should be seen and what can be do to recover and re-establish a road map regarding the events of this district.
Alex Lee was a corregimiento representative in Barrio Sur for two periods and demanded that the mayors of his time be in the chair at each meeting, but he has been absent for 5 months.