Senator and lobbyist leader, Guido Manini Rioscriticized the participation of the Argentine activist Val Flores in the “Academic Seminar on Gender and Sexual Diversity” of the Faculty of Social Sciences (FCS) of the University of the Republic (Udelar), in which the woman exposed her breasts while other people present spat on her.
“Is it justified to use the University’s resources to bank these degenerates?”asked the senator lobbyist. His statements come after a long discussion for the budget of the Udelar in the Rendering of Accounts. The educational body lost its additional solidarity fundbut obtained a budget reinforcement to cover the loss.
Flores’ activity went viral on social networks after a screenshot of a photo uploaded to Instagram reached Twitter. The weekly program featured the Argentine activist’s event under the title “Cuirizar pedagogy. Fantasies of a sticky knowledge”, but the grid was downloaded from the FCS website.
Flores was also featured on that list: he presented himself as teacher and “activist of sexual dissent, lesbian chonga, prosex, feminist”. Manini quoted this description before asking the aforementioned question.
In the social networks there were users who stated that the activist’s behavior represented an outrage against modesty, penalized in article 277 of the Penal Code.
In addition to Flores, the seminar was attended by the artists Dani Umpi and Andy Falconeand Doctor of Philosophy Moria Pérez, from the University of Buenos Aires.
The Queer Academic Area –an organization of the Faculty of Social Sciences that “brings together researchers (sic) from different disciplines who are currently working on the gender and sexuality agenda in Uruguay and the region”– argued that “In his speech, Val Flores took off his shirt and sought to problematize the relationship between body, knowledge and comfort, through the use of the naked torso and saliva”in a statement published this September 29 on its Facebook page.
“It is clear that the body, thought and put into action, is still a challenge in the XXI century”sentenced the Queer Area.