The President of the Republic, Nicolás Maduro, through a video released through his social networks, reiterated the proposal to advance, in 2025, a constitutional reform that democratizes the State, society and strengthens a new way of doing politics. for democracy.
“The one who has the final say in Venezuela to approve a reform that allows modifying the constitution is the sovereign, it is direct democracy, it is the people,” said the Head of State.
On the other hand, in the aforementioned audiovisual the President assured that, despite the attacks on our country, Venezuela has been able to see the “greening of the main proposal of the 1999 constituent assembly, the construction of a participatory and leading democracy.
It is important to remember that this proposal constitutional reform It was made by the President, for the first time, on December 19, when he also announced that a team was formed with great national and international advisors to think together with popular power about this project to change our Magna Carta.
In this sense, he indicated that said constitutional reform will further democratize Venezuelan society and empower the citizen in the freedom of Venezuela, national sovereignty and popular sovereignty.