In a recent public appearance, the president Luis Lacalle Pou emphatically defended his government management by highlighting key economic achievements. He stressed that “the fiscal deficit will end up lower than what we received in 2019 and (will be) lower unemployment and higher the increase in real salary«. These statements occurred during his attendance at the event of “José Pedro Ramírez Grand Prize” at the racecourse Maronas.
The president took advantage of the occasion to settle accounts with the oppositionspecifically with the government of Wide Front. He accused his predecessor of evading the increase in rates which had to be carried out annually: “The Frente Amplio government had to make a rate adjustment, like every year, and they looked the other way.”. According to Lacalle Pou, this responsibility was intentionally transferred to the current administration.
Commitment to the Neptune project and criticism of the opposition
Lacalle Pou emphasized a different approach to fiscal responsibilities: “This government called the president-elect (Yamandu Orsi) and told him ‘I’m not going to do the same’. He assured that, although unpopular, his government made necessary decisions instead of postponing them for the next administration. These comments underline his intention to differentiate his leadership from the Frente Amplio style.
The president also reaffirmed his commitment to the Neptune projectan initiative to purify water from the Silver Riverplanned in Arazati, Saint Joseph. Despite technical and economic criticism, mainly from the future Minister of Atmosphere Edgardo Ortuño, Lacalle Pou announced: “The decision has already been made. The decision is that we are going to sign the contract. This statement confirms their willingness to continue with the development of the project.
The president dismisses his government with increases in the rates of UTE, OSE and Antel, contrary to the slogan that brought him to power more than 5 years ago, when he offered an end to rate increases.
Environmental evaluations and the casupá dam
Criticism of the Neptune project has been mainly from Wide Frontwho express concerns about the technical and financial viability of the initiative. Ortuñofrom his previous role as director of SBIhas maintained a critical stance. Conversations regarding the project plan to resume in mid-January, with various options under consideration, from structural changes to infrastructure adaptations.
On the other hand, the president referred to the Casupá dampointing out environmental concerns: “The Casupá dam is the same source from which the river basin is nourished. Saint Lucia«. Lacalle Pou is in favor of the fact that water for human use should remain current, explaining that “in the event of contamination of any product in a reservoir, purification becomes complicated later.”
The Lacalle Pou government argues that water challenges, exacerbated by the 2023 droughtmake an additional source of water imperative for the metropolitan region. Despite the criticism, the president maintains that no aspect of the project has been hidden from the incoming administration: “We have nothing to hide and a lot to show.” This reiterates its commitment to transparency in the efforts of the current government.