47% of citizens approve of the management of the President of the Republic, Luis Lacalle PouMeanwhile he 36% disapproveaccording to a survey shown this Thursday in Underlinedmade by Consulting Teams.
17% of the people consulted neither approve nor disapprove of his mandate. For the president, disapproval continues to fall steadily from the 65% he had in March 2020 and, since then, has never risen significantly again in light of various scandals and controversies in his administration, such as the case of Sebastián’s passport. Marset or that of former custodian Alejandro Astesiano.
As for disapproval, it has been increasing between March 2020, when it was 20%, until November 2022, when it reached 36%.
Multicolored voters are those who most approve of the president’s management: 77% are favorable opinions and 11% unfavorable. Among people who are left or center-left voters, only 12% approve and 73% disapprove.
704 people over 18 years of age and older, residents in towns with more than 2,000 inhabitants throughout the national territory, were interviewed, according to Equipos.
The selection of the people surveyed followed a “stratified, probabilistic, multi-stage sample of households, which uses sex and age quotas for the final choice of the interviewee,” the company said.
Cosse equals Lacalle in approval
When almost halfway through her term, the mayor of Montevideo, Carolina Cosse, enjoys an approval of 47%, equal to that of Lacalle, while her disapproval is 34%, lower than 36%. of the president.
13% of the people consulted neither approved nor disapproved of Cosse’s administration in the capital, according to a survey published by Ignacio Zuasnabar in the aforementioned medium.
In comparison, while Lacalle has a positive balance of +11 points, Cosse has +13.
Cosse has also lost approval: in January 2021 he had 57% and now he has dropped 10 points compared to that moment of his administration. Disapproval went from 9% to 34% in the same period.
Those who identified themselves as members of the Front or from the left are more favorable to Cosse: 78% gave him the go-ahead, but of those who said they were voters of the multicolor coalition, which carried Laura Raffo as a candidate, only 63% approved of the leftist mayor.