Ruiz said that the social security reform must be comprehensive, and therefore include the military, police, notarial and professional funds.
He expressed, in statements to the PIT-CNT Portal, that the government is aware that a social security reform needs broad agreements. “Consensus is not achieved in a short time and to achieve a reform, a deep dialogue is needed.”
On the other hand, Ruiz pointed out that it will be very difficult for the Executive Power to convince its people and the population that it is a great idea to work more years and receive less for retirement.
“President Luis Lacalle Pou promised not to raise the retirement age for those who are working. Instead, he spoke of incentives for people who can to retire later. I agree with this proposal”, he assured.
He exemplified that in countries where the retirement age was increased, unemployment increased and the vast majority of workers were left without income and without social protection. “In this country, where it is difficult to get a job at 45, where we have a weak labor market and which also expels older people, it is nonsense to think that raising the retirement age is the solution.”
On the other hand, Ruiz pointed out that “the BPS transfers more than 3 million dollars per day to the AFAPS, almost 1,150 million dollars per year that leave the orbit of the State and pass into the hands of private companies.”
“The AFAPS profit and make profits with the contributions of the workers, but when pensions have to be paid, they withdraw from the business, leaving everything to the BPS that pays these benefits, at a loss. It is a perverse system that gives great profits to the private sector and great losses to the State”, he questioned.