This Monday, July 25, marks the International Day of Afro-descendant Women, also known as the Day of Afro-Latin, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women. In this framework, the Municipality of Montevideo will commemorate this International Day from 14:00, in the Golden room of its headquarters building.
This day coincides with the 30th anniversary of the founding of the Network of Afro-Latin, Afro-Caribbean and Diaspora Women. At the opening, the results of the “Study on the integration of the ethnic-racial perspective in departmental public policies” will be presented.
The presentation will be in charge of the Head of the Office of the United Nations Population Fund in Uruguay, sociologist Fernando Filgueiras.
Then there will be a discussion on economic autonomy, identity and public policies towards Afro-descendant women.
The space called “Where is the money for Afro-descendant women?” It will allow an exchange between social, political and international financing organizations.
The objective is to promote actions towards the economic autonomy of Afro-descendant women and public investment as a political commitment towards equality.
The proposals of this day are part of the grid for July, the month of Afro-descendants. You can access the full list of events on the Municipality website.