The Federation of Dairy Industry Workers (FTIL) announced in a statement that will hold meetings with “the embassies of the recipient countries of dairy exports”.
The objective is to report in these areas the concern of the unions of the federation “in relation to the possible aggravation of the conflict and therefore of the slowdown that could be generated in exports as a consequence of the employer intransigencein case the FTIL has to adopt measures that affect the normal commercial flow”.
This was communicated this Monday 11, after an extraordinary meeting in which two union activities were also announced:
- On Wednesday the 13th a “day of agitation” in the Peñarol neighborhood to accompany the Single Union of Cemesa (Sudec), Conaprole’s ice cream distributor; and the Workers’ Association of Crufi (Asocru).
- The national general assembly of the FTIL, for Thursday 14, instance for which it is urged to “deploy the maximum effort for a great convocation”.
The announcements of the federation of unions of the dairy industry about measures that can interrupt the normal flow of exports and the attitude of making contact with representatives of the markets to which it is exported were questioned by the industrial sector and the milk producers in various instances, when the possibility was handled as something eventual. From these sectors it is understood that it is an attitude that affects the good image that the country has in the destination markets of its placements.
The dairy farmers, represented by leaders of several milk producers’ unions, met last week with the President of the Republic, Luis Lacalle Pou, as part of a series of meetings they are having to offer their point of view on the conflict. . They have already attended Parliament and plan to visit the headquarters of the PIT-CNT.
The general assembly of the FTIL, on Thursday this week, will take place at the headquarters of the Association of Workers and Employees of Conaprole (AOEC) in Montevideowith the purpose of assess the course of the conflict and consider new measures that happen to those already carried out: partial or 24-hour stoppages, mobilizations to inform public opinion and work to regulations.
The conflict that the workers’ sector maintains with the companies grouped in the Chamber of the Dairy Industry of Uruguay (CILU), within the framework of the Salary Councils, has lasted for several months and It has even motivated that this Monday several producers have expressed that it is necessary to put on the table the possibility of the sale of Conaprole.
Another decision that the FTIL adopted this Monday was to request meetings to transfer “first-hand the reality that we face (…) after 18 months of salary loss and the arbitrary dismissal of a Conaprole unionized worker.”
These meetings, it was pointed out, will be requested from different parliamentary commissions, the National Milk Institute, the Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture and Fisheries, the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining, the departmental boards and the Congress of Mayors.