Hielo, el truco efectivo para quitar la resaca

Ice, the effective trick to get rid of a hangover

One of the biggest discomforts that affect many people after drinking alcoholic beverages in excess are the symptoms that arrive the next day; The famous hangover not only causes various pains in the body or an intense desire to drink water, but also affects performance, either when enjoying a day off, or when having to go to work.

So if you are one of the people who after the toasts have a hard time with symptoms such as dizziness or fatigue, this homemade trick with ice will be your salvation.

How to get rid of a hangover in a matter of seconds?

On social networks like TikTok, this effective trick that promises to eliminate all discomfort and without having to resort to sensitizing the stomach, as many people usually do, or generating that feeling of satiety from drinking water or energy drinks in excess, goes viral.

On the contrary, a little water and ice will suffice to achieve the fastest and most effective results instantly. Here we tell you everything you need to know.

  1. In a kitchen bowl or a small tub, pour water, enough to cover at least the surface of your face.
  2. Pour a large amount of ice into the bowl to get the water cold enough.
  3. After a few minutes resting, the cold water will help you completely eliminate the annoying hangover symptoms and for this, you just have to put your face in the ice water for 30 seconds.
  4. One trick you can follow, especially this winter, is to hold on as long as you can, stick your head out, take a breath, and try again.
  5. By completing 30 seconds, you will not only notice greater energy, but you will also confirm how each symptom completely disappears.

Do you dare to put this effective homemade trick with ice to the test? It is ideal for this season in which toasts and festivities last until dawn and where alcohol cannot be missing. Do not forget that according to the Mayo Clinic, “there is no magic formula that indicates how much alcohol can be drunk safely” with which to avoid a hangover, because each person knows their limits.

Do not ignore the symptoms that alert of serious cases

Y If you overindulge in this season, the ideal is that as soon as the symptoms begin to appear, you take action, either by hydrating yourself and stopping consuming alcoholic beverages, or by submerging your face in ice water. Check the signs that warn of the famous hangover.

  • fatigue and weakness
  • Excessive thirst and dry mouth
  • Muscle aches and headaches
  • Nausea, vomiting, and stomach pain
  • Less sleep or poor quality sleep
  • Increased sensitivity to light and sound
  • Dizziness or a feeling that the room is spinning
  • tremors
  • Less ability to concentrate
  • Mood disturbances, such as depression, anxiety, and irritability
  • rapid heartbeat

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