Home South AmericaUruguay Government inaugurated infrastructure works in Paysandú institutions for 18,000,000 pesos

Government inaugurated infrastructure works in Paysandú institutions for 18,000,000 pesos

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Government inaugurated infrastructure works in Paysandú institutions for 18,000,000 pesos

The Ministry of Transportation and Public Works (MTOP) inaugurated, this Friday the 16th, infrastructure works in five social institutions in Paysandú, with a total investment of 18,320,000 pesos, through the Social Agreements program. In addition, the ministry will contribute almost 8,000,000 pesos for repairs in organizations affected by the storm of July 11, through an agreement with the mayor.

The head and the undersecretary of the MTOP, José Luis Falero and Juan José Olaizola, respectively, were present at the tour of the aforementioned department; the undersecretary of Social Development, Andrea Brugman; his peer from Industry, Energy and Mining, Walter Verri; the mayor of Paysandú, Nicolás Olivera, representatives of the Salto Grande Mixed Technical Commission and families of users of social institutions.

In a dialogue with the Presidential Communication, Falero highlighted that the Social Agreements program allows you to visit, tour and learn about local organizations that are very involved with the needs of the most unprotected. “The contribution made by the State, and, therefore, by all Uruguayans, so that these works are carried out fills us with pride and happiness,” he said.

The tour began at the Francisco high school, where a place was inaugurated for workshops for young people and adults. The work involved the reconstruction and adaptation of the headquarters, with a contribution from the MTOP of 3,000,000 pesos. The center is located in the northern area of ​​the city of Paysandú and serves young people from the Curupí, Purificación 3, Norte, Autobalsa and Las Brisas neighborhoods.

In the second instance, the authorities placed the foundation stone on the property where the new home of the Association for Mental Disability (Aprodime), a non-profit civil organization, a benchmark in the department, which serves 90 users and has 63 officials. The works begin on Monday, September 19, with the construction of two floors that will house eight residents and whose maximum capacity will be 23. The investment reaches 4,500,000 pesos.

Thirdly, the reform and repair work of all the hygienic cabinets of the Enrique Chaplin Home for the Elderly was inaugurated, with the aim of complying with current accessibility regulations. The investment amounted to 3,300,000 pesos.

In the afternoon, the authorities went to the Capalgui child and family care center (CAIF), located in Guichón, where they inaugurated two classrooms, with hygienic cabinets and a covered gallery, with an investment of 3,500,000 pesos.

In the National Club, also in that locality, works were inaugurated to improve the social headquarters, which implied an investment of 4,020,000 pesos. In return, the club agrees to provide the use of the facilities for 15 hours a week to public education institutions in the area, for a period of 10 years.

On the day, in addition, the MTOP and the Government of Paysandú signed an agreement, at its headquarters, by which the Secretary of State grants the departmental government 7,954,000 pesos, with the aim of financing various repairs in 15 institutions. social and sports, damaged by the storm that affected the city of Paysandú on July 11.

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