In an interview with Radio Universal, Molina questioned the polls that give a margin in favor of “No” to the repeal of 135 articles of the LUC. Something similar to what happened with the collection of signatures and then more than necessary were obtained.
“We all knew that it would be difficult, because it was evident that the government was going to come out to defend the LUC. But we have not found arguments from the government in defense of the articles questioned. The Executive has made the decision to discuss only with the opposition with senators or deputies from the Broad Front”, said the union leader.
He added: “They want to put on the table that it is a fight between the government and the opposition and they leave aside the important discussion with all the social organizations that accompany the process of collecting signatures, which we have proposed to discuss, but they do not give us answers.”
He considered that the government is marginalizing them because they are trade unionists and they want to put a dispute between the government and the opposition on the table.
Number portability
On the debate regarding number portability. Molina replied that “it is a commercial plan, to avoid that, in the framework of competition, leadership exists for a long time.”
“In the case of Chile, it brought about the disappearance of the state telephone company of that country”, he warned, and questioned that the president of ANTEL, Gabriel Gurméndez, manages numbers less than a month and a half after number portability was applied” .