For the week from September 24 to 30, 2022, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and MiPymes provides that fuels be marketed at the following prices:
- Premium gasoline will be sold at RD$293.60 per gallon, maintaining its price.
- Regular Gasoline RD$274.50 per gallon maintains its price.
- Regular Diesel RD$221.60 per gallon maintains its price.
- Optimum Diesel RD$241.10 per gallon maintains its price.
- Avtur RD$298.91 per gallon maintains its price.
- Kerosene RD$338.10 per gallon maintains its price.
- Fuel Oil #6 RD$192.11 per gallon maintains its price.
- Fuel Oil 1%S RD$211.77 per gallon maintains its price.
- Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) RD$147.60 per gallon maintains its price.
- Natural Gas RD$28.97 per m3 maintains its price.