The Bolivarian Diplomacy is one of the essential mechanisms to consolidate a new geopolitics of peace on the planet, as was determined during a Master Class of the High Political Level Module on Public Policies of the Institute of Higher Diplomatic Studies Pedro Gual, held this Monday in Caracas.
The integral independence and decolonization processes of Venezuela, in addition to consolidating the Bolivarian Diplomacy of Peace, are priorities to continue building a necessary multipolar world, which are fundamental as strategies between the Comptroller General of the Republic and the Ministry of Popular Power for External relationships.
Today, accompanied by @IAEDPedroGual and the Comptroller General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Elvis Amoroso, talked about Venezuelan Foreign Policy, highlighting Bolivarian Diplomacy as an essential mechanism to consolidate a new geopolitics of peace.
— Yvan Gil (@yvangil) March 27, 2023
From the headquarters of the Foreign Ministry, the comptroller and also president of the Moral Power, Loving Elvisparticipated together with the chancellor Ivan Gil, on this day to address important aspects of Venezuelan foreign policy.
This master class is part of the training plan for personnel promoted by both institutions, which will provide instruments to workers to defend Venezuela, Amoroso announced.
The activity was transmitted to various states of the country, through a videoconference, where the “Constitutional Supremacy” that exists in Venezuela was highlighted, and the meeting took advantage of the signing of an agreement that will allow cooperation and interrelation between both institutions.
These master classes will continue to be held for the rest of the year, with the purpose of continuing to train, train and address studies in these strategic days.
The President of the Moral Power and Comptroller General, Elvis Amoroso, from the Simón Bolívar Room, reflected his signature on the Cooperation Framework Agreement, strengthening the inter-institutional relations of the CGR and the Ministry of People’s Power for Foreign Relations.
— CGR Venezuela (@CGRVenezuela) March 27, 2023
The President of the Moral Power and Comptroller General, Elvis Amoroso, participated as a speaker with the exhibition “Constitutional Supremacy”, in the cycle of master classes, through the public policy module at the national and international level.
— CGR Venezuela (@CGRVenezuela) March 27, 2023
#News | From the @cancilleriaVEthe President of the Moral Power and Comptroller General of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Elvis Amoroso, participated in the cycle of Master Classes “Political module on public policies in national and international matters.”
— CGR Venezuela (@CGRVenezuela) March 27, 2023
The president of the Moral Power and citizen Comptroller General, Elvis Amoroso, shared spaces during the meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and chancellor, @yvangil; accompanied by the president of @CofaeV, Odalis Arteaga; and the president of @IAEDPedroGualIvan Zerpa.
— CGR Venezuela (@CGRVenezuela) March 27, 2023
#OnVideo?| Master Class of the High Political Level Module on Public Policies of the Institute of Advanced Diplomatic Studies, will allow the establishment of mechanisms for diplomatic personnel and comptrollers to be trained in strategic sessions.#NiCorrupciónNiGuarimbas
— VTV CHANNEL 8 (@VTVcanal8) March 27, 2023