Farmacias de Artemisa have not received condoms for two years

MIAMI, United States. — The official newspaper the artemiseño warned about the increase in sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) in the province of Artemisa, a situation that goes hand in hand with the scarce availability of condoms in pharmacies in that territory.

The local media, echoing figures from the Cuban Public Health Statistical Yearbook, warned that the figures for infections of sexually transmitted diseases in the province last year were not good.

Since 2020 —says El Artemiseño— “the lack of condoms has been a concern among its consumers. At that time a text published by Alma mater it illustrated decisive points: condoms are not produced in Cuba, they have to be imported, and the lack of them does not translate into the enjoyment of less sexual relations”.

Figures from the Provincial Directorate of Public Health in Artemisa compiled by the state media reveal that sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea have increased in recent years.

“Syphilis increased in all municipalities. With the highest incidence in Bahía Honda, San Cristóbal, Bauta and Artemisa. The most affected age groups are from 19 to 24 years, followed by the group between 15 to 18 years with 12.5%”, the information indicates.

In the case of gonorrhea, the figures increased until reaching a rate of 46.1 per 100,000 inhabitants.

“The most affected age groups coincide with syphilis and the municipalities with the highest incidence are Artemisa, Güira, Bahía Honda and San Cristóbal,” the provincial newspaper stated.

The condom shortage is one of the problems spread throughout Cuba It also affects the inhabitants of the province.

Sarah Varona Monzón, director of Innovation-Development-Commercial of the Provincial Department of Pharmacy and Optics in Artemisa, explained to El Artemiseño that pharmacies in the province have not received condoms for about two years.

“Since the first quarter of 2021, they have not received condoms and contraceptive tablets began to enter and are distributed every 15 days, depending on when the medicine arrives in the municipalities,” said the official.

Artemiseños interviewed by the state media highlight that, given this scenario, they are forced to purchase condoms in the informal market, where they are sold at very high prices.

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