New regulations of the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining empowered the Regulatory Unit for Communications Services (Ursec) to adopt punitive and preventive measures in cases of broadcasting services or audiovisual signals through the Internet or similar networks, for commercial purposes, not authorized for these purposes. The objective of the State regarding this initiative is to ensure the protection of intellectual work and copyright.
The decree issued on October 25 was designed to eliminate the broadcasting of television signals broadcast over the Internet or similar networks, for unauthorized commercial purposes, that violate Laws 9,739, on literary and artistic property, and 17,616, on the protection of intellectual property.
In this regard, the head of Ursec, Mercedes Aramendía, told the Presidential Communication that the Executive Power intends to combat online piracy that affects television for subscribers and those who produce content.
The regulations enable the holders of these services to submit to the aforementioned body the well-founded complaint, as a sworn statement, for its evaluation, and order, if applicable, the notification to independent platforms or intermediaries or the temporary electronic blocking that prevents the access from the national territory to the IP addresses (internet protocol) or Internet domains (DNS) and URL (uniform resource locator) corresponding to the specific offers of products, services and content in violation.
Aramendía affirmed that the procedure is intended to be agile and ensure due guarantees. He added that whoever files the complaint must be the owner or representative who proves his right and demonstrates in what way he has been violated, in addition to presenting proof of the police complaint, if he has made one.
He said that once Ursec receives the complaint, there is a period of four days to analyze it and proceed accordingly.
He added that it is relevant that the independent platforms or intermediaries have established a domicile before the Ursec and that they are adhered to the electronic notification system to facilitate communication. In the event that they have their own complaint mechanisms, he pointed out the importance of specifying it to the body and being known by users.