This week there was outrage in Latin America after the justice of Venezuela gave to God given hair the headquarters of the newspaper The Nationall for a demand that the Chavista leader had imposed against the media outlet.
Now it looks like that wasn’t enough Hairbecause in his television program called “with the mallet” giving read some of the trills of the director of El Nacional, Miguel Henrique Otero and criticized the statements he has given in the continent’s media.
“Now it provokes me to go down the page because you owe me. With the value of The National you didn’t pay me I think now I’m going through the page, because the auction was made and the property was awarded. Now the good is awarded at the price they say there and the conclusion is that You still owe me“, He warned Hair to Otero.
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In this way he showed his intention to also keep the Internet portal which is still used by Knoll and by journalists to inform and publish the newspaper’s news.
Hair also threatened the portal The Pinwho is involved in a judicial dispute and affirmed that with the rulings “a precedent is being set that will serve many people.”