The senator of the Open Cabildo, Guido Manini Ríos, targeted this Tuesday against the Frente Amplio party Alejandro “Pacha” Sánchez, whom he mentioned when referring to the new rental regime without guarantee, established by the Law of Urgent Consideration (LUC).
“Senator Alejandro Sánchez has said that the majority of the owners are not going to take advantage of this law because what serves them is to rent with guarantees, therefore that the market is going to go (tending towards) this modality is very debatable. And I don’t think it’s like that, “he said in the debate in front of legislator Óscar Andrade.
Manini pointed out that during the 15 years of Frente Amplio governments “the housing situation was really critical” and questioned the fact that during the administrations of the left there were thousands of Uruguayans who lived “in an undignified way.” In this sense, the lobbying senator expressed that the LUC “protects the most vulnerable”, an idea that he also mentioned when he referred to security.
“We clearly believe that this law protects the most vulnerable, those who have no other way to access housing,” he said.
Sánchez, for his part, clarified on Twitter that his statements referred to the fact that the law “only serves speculators,” but not tenants or small owners: “What I said and repeat is that this law only serves speculators.” , it does not serve the tenants or the small owners who have a house to rent”.
Then, he reaffirmed his support for Andrade and asked Manini to quote him correctly. “#CitameBienManini and let’s go up Óscar Andrade “, he wrote.