Cuban without a colostomy bag: “I can’t leave home”

Mexico City, Mexico.-Dinorah Garcia, 62 years old, she was diagnosed as a cancer patient in 2019. Her gynecological condition was treated at the Institute of Oncology and Radiobiology of Havana, where she underwent 29 external radiations, three interiors and five serums.

As a consequence of such aggressive treatment, a fistula (abnormal connection between two parts of the body, such as an organ or a blood vessel and another structure) occurred, which led to surgery.

So the only option for her was a colostomy (opening in the belly that allows intestinal transit to be diverted to the outside, as well as fecal matter).

“That is when my torment begins, since since November, when I was operated on, I have not been able to acquire colostomy bags from the pharmacy or the hospital. This material is lacking”, Dinorah confessed.

With no other option, the Cuban woman has to continuously recycle the only bag she owns, and which is already very deteriorated.

“Because of this I cannot lead a normal life, not even leave the house, I depend on the neighbors to buy the products and some other favor, because I only have one bag, which is already in poor condition, because I have to recycle it , since it is the only one that I have left ”, he explained.

Dinorah’s case was published in the group of Facebook “SALES IN HAVANA”, by the user Karina Bosa, who pointed out that she was a friend of the patient. Bosa added that García must adhere the bag to the body using a seal.

Once again, people on the island turn to social networks to ask for help or appeal for solidarity in the face of the helplessness they suffer. The Cuban health system lacks medicines and basic supplies, which even have led to the death of several patients.

“I ask for help from all those people who have any contact on this issue,” Dinorah pleaded.

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