A recurring question from citizens is whether there is a neighborhood commission in their neighborhood or how to create one.
To this end, councilor Paulina Serrano makes available to the public, within the framework of the “Neighbor’s Month”, the “Interactive Map of Neighborhood Commissions of Asunción”.
In the different neighborhoods of Asunción, more than 240 neighborhood commissions are distributed, made up of the residents of the city, who, thanks to their tireless efforts and joint work with the municipality, achieve important works and contribute to improving the quality of life of their respective communities.
To learn more about each Commission, Councilor Paulina Serrano (PQ), current “Coordinator of Funds for Special Projects”, developed an interactive map with her team that plots the location of each Commission by neighborhood, marking a before and after in the history of neighborhood
This seeks to make each Commission visible, so that the citizen of Asuncion can know in which neighborhood of the capital they are located and the tasks they perform.
The data survey was achieved thanks to the work of Councilor Paulina Serrano’s team and the collaboration of the Coordinator of Neighborhood Commissions, led by Alejandro Arce and Victor Montiel. As well as the support of the Directorate of Citizen Participation of the Municipality.
“I firmly believe that citizen involvement allows building community and helps transform Asunción from the neighborhoods,” said the councilwoman.