Between the “Irregularities and non-observances” cited by the Chamber of Accounts in the special investigation carried out at the Central Directorate of the Tourism Police (POLITUR) and/or Specialized Body for Tourist Security (CESTUR)points out the alleged weakness in hiring the company Global Investment and Business Bridimar, SRLfor an amount greater than 2 million pesos.
“Weaknesses identified in the contracting with the company Global Investment and Business Bridimar, SRL, for an amount of RD$2,133,558,” the report indicates.
Likewise, obtaining the contract by said company would have been characterized by the “Modification to the object of the contract and specifications; Payment advance over the amount established by law and Hiring without evidence of seriousness policy of the offer”.
Read: Chamber of Accounts: “Irregularities” in CESTUR and POLITUR exceed RD$2 million
However, inquiries made by a journalist from the Hoy Digital newspaper indicate that this company has currently been able to win various purchasing and contracting processes, the majority being located in “minor purchases”.
So, the supposed “irregularity” in the company Global Investment and Business Bridimar, SRL obtained the aforementioned contract in CESTUR and/or POLITUR should have put the rest of the institutions of the Condition.
During 2021 Global Investment and Business Bridimar, SRL has obtained contracts in Ministry of Defense (MIDE); National Lottery and the Specialized Body in Airport Security (CESAC). Those that until now have been verified in PDF files.
Ministry of Defence
By June 24, 2021, the Ministry of Defense issued the purchase order under Order No. MIDE-2021-00307 for the acquisition of technology materials in the minor purchases scheme, from which the company benefited Global Investment and Business Bridimar, SRL, with a total amount of RD$191,485.68.
Also in the MIDE is published without further details a “qualified offer” worth RD$284,852 in favor of Global Investment and Business Bridimar, SRL on October 29, 2021.
National lottery
Similarly, on May 12, 2021, Global Investment and Business Bridimar, SRL succeeded under the order National Lottery-2021-00163 a smaller purchase for RD$694,689.60.
You can read: Chamber of Accounts points out irregularities, now in CESTUR and POLITUR
The same would be for the “Acquisition of ramps for cars to be used in the exhibitions of the different draws of the National Lottery”.
While on October 1, 2021 the Specialized Body in Airport Security (CESAC) issued order no. CESAC-2021-00154also as a “minor purchase” in favor of Global Investment and Business Bridimar, SRLthis for the acquisition of “military-type footwear”.
The amount approved by the CESAC it was for an amount of RD$826,442.50.
It should be noted that this report prepared by the Chamber of Accounts would have already been forwarded to Specialized Prosecution Office for Administrative Corruption (PEPCA)as part of the investigations carried out against the defendants in the Coral 5G case.
Said investigation covers the period of the management of the General Juan Carlos Torres Robiouin front of the CESTUR Y POLITURwhile he is serving a measure of coercion as accused of administrative corruption in the Coral 5G case.