Colombia reinforces public health surveillance for 'monkey smallpox'

Colombia reinforces public health surveillance for ‘monkey smallpox’

The National Institute of Health (INS) announced that after the alert in some countries for monkeypox, In Colombia, the Public Health Surveillance System is being developed in different regions of the country.

The entity pointed out that medical scientists and epidemiologists are on alert, carrying out a strict monitoring of the diseases that cause rashes or eruptions on the skin.

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“In Colombia, work is focused on fine-tuning our Public Health Surveillance System. We already have enhanced monitoring for illnesses or outbreaks that cause rashes or skin eruptions,” he said in a statement.

The Institute pointed out that health professionals in Bogotá and the main capital cities work together with the purpose of carry out controls that allow early detection of the first cases of the disease that may occur in the country.

“We did an analysis of the situation with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States, CDC,” he said.

He stressed that health authorities at the national level are already working on strategies that allow for rigorous surveillance of the disease in Colombia.

“We are already building a surveillance guideline for health services,” he said.

This surveillance seeks to strengthen the surveillance and response team of the National Institute of Health.

“Efforts are focused on the better functioning and permanent response of the surveillance system rather than on people’s concerns. In fact, although there is a probability of contagion from the Monkeypox, the importation of a case of measles is more likely”, she pointed out.

The INS also said that “POX-type viruses can be transmitted by many animals, infections that occur in humans occur specifically when a human enters the animal’s natural habitat”.

He stressed that monkeypox is not a new virus, “As it is a kind of virus that is similar to chickenpox in humans and produces vesicles and respiratory signs in animals that in contact with humans who work in research, in the jungle or in tourism activities where they come into contact they can end up being infected.”

He stressed that it has very marked differences with other diseases that affect the skin.

“The main difference with chickenpox is the presentation of swollen glands in many parts of the body. The initial cases are imported from regions of Africa. It is very rare for contagion to start between people, but it can happen and then generate transmission chains, ”he explained.

He added that at this time it is very important to detect in time to cut a chain of transmission.

“When the virus reaches organs of the human body such as the brain or lungs, it can cause death, but it is more likely that one death will occur in a thousand cases than in a few cases. The important thing is to cut and detect the transmission in time, “said the INS.

He stressed that this kind of virus is already known worldwide.

“It is not a new virus, however, its origin is mainly in monkeys. Currently in the Americas there is no confirmed case. The last outbreak on this continent was in the United States in 2003,” he stated.

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“Although the monkey virus can cause concern in public opinion, a virus like measles is hundreds of times more likely and more serious because it is highly contagious,” the Institute said.

Finally, the INS in this document pointed out that “we have measles around us, there are cases in the United States, Brazil and Venezuela. In addition, it spreads efficiently from man to man through the respiratory route.

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