Do you want to work at the National Cancer Institute?  These are the vacancies with salaries of more than half a million pesos

Do you want to work at the National Cancer Institute? These are the vacancies with salaries of more than half a million pesos

He National Cancer Institute It is one of the most important health organizations in our country, which belongs to the healthcare network of the North Metropolitan Health Service. Its function is to treat cancer patients and that is why it is one of the most prestigious, helping all people who suffer from this disease and that is why they are hiring staff. On this occasion, they have published some vacancies for employment with salaries of half a million pesos.

As we mentioned, the National Cancer Institute It is one of the most prominent in the country and offers a certain amount of treatments for all cancer patients. It has several branches throughout the territory and at all times they are looking for health professionals to provide their services and thus meet the needs of all the patients who attend these places.

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