One of the ways to face the fight against cancer is to modify the diet so that it is nutritious and balanced, opting for natural foods and including the consumption of five
El abogado Ricardo Preda, defensor de Horacio Cartes, arremetió duramente contra el ministro del Interior, Arnaldo Giuzzio, y sostuvo que la apertura de una causa penal de la Fiscalía permitirá dilucidar que
The governor of Central, Hugo Javier González appeared on Friday at the headquarters of the Public Ministry for his preliminary statement. However, he refrained from testifying. He had to testify before the
Este domingo se concretó la detención del presunto instigador del tiroteo registrado la semana pasada en el anfiteatro de San Bernardino, el cual dejó un saldo de dos personas fallecidas y cinco
Esteban Aquino has been Minister of Intelligence since 2018. The politician was already deputy minister of the entity during the Cartes government. Sources from the newspaper who prefer to remain anonymous reported
Este domingo se concretó la detención del presunto instigador del tiroteo registrado la semana pasada en el anfiteatro de San Bernardino, el cual dejó un saldo de dos personas fallecidas y cinco
Para los investigadores, Alcides Villasboa habría ordenado ejecutar a Marcos Rojas Mora durante el festival desarrollado el domingo pasado en el anfiteatro de San Bernardino. La cuestión tendría como trasfondo el tráfico
A woman was arrested on Saturday night in Sao Paulo. According to data from the Mato Grosso do Sul Police, she would be linked to the kidnapping of Célia Donicete de Moraes,
Este domingo se concretó la detención del presunto instigador del tiroteo registrado la semana pasada en el anfiteatro de San Bernardino, el cual dejó un saldo de dos personas fallecidas y cinco
Celia Donizete Morais was released on Sunday afternoon. The woman was kidnapped on Saturday morning in the Brazilian state of Ponta Porã, bordering our country. The information was confirmed by Jonás Pinheiro,