A raíz del voraz incendio registrado en el Mercado 4, la Policía Municipal de Tránsito de Asunción dispuso los desvíos para el tránsito automotor. La PMT de Asunción recomendó a la ciudadanía
Photo: Fernando Pereira “Minister Lema ignores the President and is hard on people and does not debate ideas,” said Fernando Pereira, the candidate for the presidency of the Broad Front, referring to
Leny Chuquimia / La Paz This year, the office of the souls left the cemeteries to take over the streets and party venues due to the pandemic, the restrictions and the controls
Informal workers enrolled in the Federal Government’s Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico) born in February can withdraw, as of today (3), the seventh installment of the 2021 emergency aid. The money
Within the framework of Annual Conference on Climate Change (COP26), the President of the Republic, Iván Duque, presented the strategy to mitigate climate change by 2050, a project whose main objective is
Updated on 11/02/2021 11:10 pm The prime minister Mirtha Vasquez He spoke tonight after the resignation of Luis Barranzuela as Minister of the Interior, who held a party at his home in
La 12ª Edición de la Expo Paraguay Brasil-Modalidad Virtual, culminó con un récord histórico, para la muestra, de negocios en los tres días de intensa actividad, siendo el volumen generado 155 millones
Photo: Facebook / Ancap Petrosur At the end of October, the member of the Ancap board on behalf of the National Party, Richard Charamelo, said in an interview that the last increase
Digital Page Seven The Chamber of Senators approved the law that approves the Economic and Social Development Plan 2021-2025, “Reconstructing the economy to live well, towards industrialization with import substitution”, which for
From today (1st) until November 30th, individuals with overdue debts will be able to renegotiate their debts in the National Debt Negotiation and Financial Guidance Mutirão. Promoted by the Brazilian Federation of