Caixa pays today Aid Brasil for those registered with NIS ending in 2

Caixa pays today Aid Brasil for those registered with NIS ending in 2

Caixa Econômica Federal pays, this Wednesday (19), the third installment of Auxílio Brasil to families registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico), with the final Social Identification Number (NIS) 2.Caixa pays today Aid Brasil for those registered with NIS ending in 2

The third installment will include 3 million families, increasing the total number of families served to 17.5 million.

Each of them will receive a minimum transfer of R$ 400. According to the Ministry of Citizenship, the total investment for the payments exceeds R$ 7.1 billion.

gas allowance

Auxílio-gás also pays today – retroactively – to families registered with CadÚnico, with the NIS ending in 2, and follows the same regular payment schedule as Auxílio Brasil.

With an expected duration of five years, the program will benefit 5.5 million families by the end of 2026 with the payment of 50% of the average price of a 13-kilogram cylinder every two months. Currently, the installment is equivalent to R$ 52.

For this year, Auxílio Gás has a budget of R$ 1.9 billion. Only those who are included in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico) and have at least one family member who receives the Continuous Cash Benefit (BPC) can be part of the program. The law that created the program defined that the woman responsible for the family will have preference, as well as women victims of domestic violence.

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