The Minister of Economy and Finance, Héctor Alexander, presented and supported, before the Budget Commission of the National Assembly of Deputies, the General State Budget for 2023.
In said budget, B/. 11,514 million (42%) to the area of Development of Social Services, a sector that includes the subsectors of education, culture, health, protection and social security, housing and community development, detailed the Minister of the Ministry of Economy and Finance.
In the breakdown of the social sectors, Health stands out with B/. 4,565 million assigned, Education and Culture with B/. 3,085 million, Protection and Social Security with B/. 2,969 million and Housing and Community Development with B/. 789 million.
Minister Alexander added that B/. 4,347 million (16%), to the Public Debt Service, to pay interest B/. 2,366 and for amortization B/. 2,149 million, which represents a total of B/. 4,515 million (17%). General Services B/. 3,647 million (13%), for Infrastructure Development B/. 2,104 million (8%), for the Development and Promotion of Production B/. 818 million (3%) and for Environmental and Technological Development B/. 217 million (1%), among others.
The General State Budget is a useful instrument of public policy to facilitate economic and social development, which contemplates a series of elements, among which the allocation and execution of spending and public investments that impact the needs demanded by the public stand out. society in terms of education, health and regional development.
In relation to the Investment Budget recommended for the term 2023, it amounts to B/. 9,236 million, which represents an increase of B/. 704 million (8.3%), compared to the amount assigned by Law for 2022. For the Central Government area, B/. 2,134 million, to Decentralized Institutions B/. 3,290 million, to Public Companies B/. 1,080 million and to Financial Intermediaries B/. 2,732 million.
Of the total investments, B/. 3,252 million are recommended for physical investments, B/. 1,583 million for non-physical investments and B/. 4,395 for financial investments.
The budget for the period described was prepared in accordance with the legal provisions that govern the matter, following the guidelines of the Budget Policy set forth for fiscal year 2022 and it reflects the fiscal policy strategy that the Government will maintain.
The General State Budget, corresponding to fiscal year 2023, amounts to B/. 27,162.9 million and represents an increase of 6.4%, compared to the modified budget of 2022.