The elected president, Yamandú Orsi, received Pedro Bordaberry already parliamentarians from List 10 in a twist that has intrigued many: “This is how you have to work”stated the president-elect, hinting at an openness that could be interpreted as a nod to the Republican coalition.
“It is possible that the debate will be opened and, in due course, we will analyze under what terms and with what objectives the Colorado Party move towards a more formal type of collaboration. However, for now, it is simply an initiative of Dr. Bordaberry’s sector,” he declared, leaving the possibility of future alliances in the air.
“Uruguay first”was the direct response of senator-elect Pedro Bordaberry when asked about his willingness to vote for government projects. The Colorado leader appeared at the Hampton Hotel along with prominent List 10 parliamentarians, which raises questions about the true intentions behind this approach.
The meeting took place after the visit of the Chinese ambassador, Huang Yazhongand recognized figures such as Germán Coutinho and Tabaré Viera. Orsi did not hesitate to describe the meeting as “very interesting” and “gratifying,” which could spark speculation about the political strategy of the president-elect by opening lines of dialogue with the opposition.
“We have continually maintained a dialogue relationship with Bordaberry, even before the elections. Knowing some of those who attended the meeting for years shows that this is the way it should operate,” Orsi remarked, suggesting that a rapprochement between parties could be in sight.
Bordaberry, for his part, did not hold anything back when speaking to the press after the meeting. “What is good for the country is good for everyone”, he insisted, as if his position were founded on a pragmatism that could scandalize some in his base. “You should never rule out anything,” he said about the possibility of supporting government projects, thus challenging the image of fierce opposition that the Colorado Party usually embraces.
The Colorado Party was left out of the meeting
On the other hand, the Colorado pro-secretary, Gustavo Osta, felt obliged to clarify that the meeting was not a representation of the party as a whole, but rather an individual gesture from the sector. “The Colorado Party has not made any request for an interview with the president-elect official. This approach responds to the will of Bordaberry”Osta stated, which suggests a lack of consensus that could create internal tensions.
“A more formal collaboration may be discussed in the future, but today it is just a particular initiative”Osta concluded, suggesting that the Colorado Party is at a decisive moment, where the consolidation of the party is so vital, both for its survival and for the well-being of the country.
In the midst of this uncertain horizon, drug trafficking and security are also issues that Bordaberry wants to put on the table, emphasizing that “drug trafficking is the enemy of all Uruguayans,” which adds another level of complexity to this new political dynamic. Thus, the situation becomes increasingly intriguing, leaving many wondering what alliances and conflicts could arise in the near future.