The National Social Security Administration (ANSES) is the body in charge of administering social benefits in Argentina. This Thursday, December 12, one of the key dates of the ANSES payment calendar for the month of December will take place.
Retirees and pensioners with DNI ending in 2 and 3 will receive their salaries. This group includes those who retired or receive pensions for disability, old age, or have met the necessary requirements requested by ANSES to access these benefits.
AUH beneficiaries with DNI ending in 2 and 3 will also receive their payment. The AUH is a social benefit intended for families with children under 18 years of age who do not receive a pension or retirement.
Regarding the Universal Pregnancy Allowance (AUE), pregnant women with DNI ending in 2 and 3 will receive their allocation. The AUE is a benefit intended for pregnant women who do not receive another child allowance.
Beneficiaries of non-contributory pensions with DNI ending in 2 and 3 will also receive their payment. These pensions are intended for people who have not made contributions to the pension system, such as mothers of seven children or more, people with disabilities, and older adults.
The schedule is detailed here: DNI ending in 0 and 1: December 9. DNI ending in 2 and 3: December 12. DNI ending in 4 and 5: December 13. DNI ending in 6 and 7: December 16. DNI ending in 8 and 9: December 18.
In December, the assets of retirees and pensioners will increase by 2.69%, in line with the inflation recorded in October. In addition, the beneficiaries will receive the second installment of the bonus, which corresponds to 50% of the monthly salary.
Beneficiaries can check the collection date of their salaries through the Mi ANSES platform, by calling 130, or by sending an email to ANSES. You can also review the payment schedule on the agency’s official website.
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