Anastasia is chosen by the Senate for the position of TCU minister

Anastasia is chosen by the Senate for the position of TCU minister

The plenary of the Senate chose, this evening (14), senator Antonio Anastasia (PSD-MG) for the position of minister of the Federal Court of Accounts. Anastasia received 52 votes and will occupy the vacancy left by minister Raimundo Carreiro, who will be Brazil’s ambassador to Portugal.Anastasia is chosen by the Senate for the position of TCU minister

Anastasia ran for the seat at the TCU with senator Kátia Abreu (PP-TO), who received 19 votes, and with senator Bezerra Coelho (MDB-PE), who had 7 votes.

Before the vote, Anastasia defended that a TCU minister needs to have as attributes not only technical knowledge about public accounts and the legislation applied to the federal administration, but also “sensitivity” to understand the situation of managers.

Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco said that Anastasia’s victory is the result of the sovereign choice of the senators. “I want to congratulate all senators for their public spirit, democratic freedom and the exercise of democracy in choice,” said Pacheco.

The TCU is made up of nine ministers, six of which are chosen by the National Congress and three by the President of the Republic. Of the nominations made by the head of the Executive, two must be made between substitute ministers and members of the Public Ministry at the TCU. All nominations must be approved by the Senate.

According to the Constitution, the requirements for occupying the vacancy are to be over 35 and under 65, moral integrity, unblemished reputation and notorious legal, accounting, economic or public administration knowledge, with more than ten years of service or professional activity that requires such knowledge.

TCU ministers have a lifetime mandate, with mandatory retirement at 75 years of age. The agency assists the National Congress in the task of overseeing public finances. It is incumbent upon him to issue opinions on the annual accounts presented by the Executive, conduct investigations and audits required by parliamentarians and provide information requested by the Casas or their committees.

* With information from the Senate Agency

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