The politician has faced the most complex challenge that any president has had in the last 30 years: dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.
Today marks the first three years of President Laurentino Cortizo’s intense mandate.
The politician has faced the most complex challenge that any president has had in the last 30 years: dealing with the Covid-19 pandemic.
In addition to the pandemic, the Cortizo government has been marked by countless scandals of alleged corruption, an increase in the state payroll, among others; Apparently, in the two years that this administration has left, these situations will not be enough to solve the most aggravating problems faced by Panamanians, much less to fulfill the vast majority of promises made in the campaign.
Added to the program of corruption, insecurity, lack of legal certainty, little credibility of State institutions have been added to the high cost of living, unemployment and the lower purchasing power of the population. Without leaving aside, the large loans that this government has made, which has increased our public debt.
Most of the electoral promises have not been fulfilled and the population feels that the situation is getting worse every day and they do not see a way out.