The senator for the National Party, Jorge Gandini, toured different neighborhoods in Montevideo to campaign for the “No” in the referendum against the 135 articles of the Urgent Consideration Law (LUC), which will take place on March 27.
According to the white legislator, “the LUC picks up a government plan that won and that the people voted for” and that “a difficult time caught up with us where the priority was the health and work of the people, and everything went there. Even in this difficult context, we presented the LUC, which has time and was discussed for hours and hours every day in sessions of more than 10 hours in parliament. It was discussed so well that 341 articles did not question it and that 246 the Broad Front voted, more than half, that is, it should not be so bad, it should not have been discussed so badly”.
And he added: “You could say that the wide front he lost the elections largely due to his lousy management of security”, alluding to Eduardo Bonomi’s address to the Ministry of the Interior. “Every year he broke his own record, every year there were more robberies, more homicides, more thefts, more domestic violence, more cattle rustling due to a management problem, priorities,” he continued.
“Who do you want to defend those who want to repeal? I cannot believe that the Broad Front or the PIT-CNT want to defend criminalsbut wanting to repeal these articles ends in that”, denounced the legislator.
He went on to say that it is a “lie” that “the workers have lost rights, some union leaders lost power, but not rights. When we protect the right to work, the right to property and the right to strike, we are complying with the Constitution of the Republic”.